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A series of photos Photo from the private archive of Alena Grom

Year: 90-ті

Place: Donetsk

Ukrainian artist, photodocumentist Alena Grom was born in Donetsk.The artist’s passion was street photography — dynamic and emotional. By this time Ms. Grom fulfilled her dream — built a house in which she celebrated a housewarming party in January 2014, but in April she was forced to leave her home and hometown due to military events in Donbass. However, even after physically leaving her hometown, she did not leave it emotionally. Her region turned into a daily military chronicle, where the 24 hours were estimated at the number of killed and wounded, and her house was robbed and shot down by marauders. In such conditions photography has become a salvation for Ms. Grom and a way to escape from a traumatic reality. In the photographs from the home archive Alena herself as a model.

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